When you are 6 weeks post natal come in for an assessment that includes -
You will be given a personalised report and plan of action.
Back pain, pelvic girdle and rib pain are very common complaints during pregnancy, but it's not something that you should just put up with or it will inevitably will get worse during your pregnancy.
The earlier you see a specialist the more likely you can get some relief and manage these issues effectively.
Urinary incontinence while pregnant is also very common, and women who experience this during pregnancy are twice more likely to struggle with this postnatally. Now is the best time to get on top of these issues and we can help.
Did you know physio can help you prepare for labour? Continuing exercising and keeping as fit and strong as you can really helps, learning how breathing effects your pelvic floor and how to do perineal massage or use an Epi-no or Ani-ball will all aim to increase your readiness to give birth.
It's never too late to address postnatal issues. Come in for treatment for C-section scar management, diastiasis recti, incontinence, constipation and prolapse. We can help you return to exercise, sport and running safely and effectively!
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